Go 装饰模式讲解和代码示例

装饰是一种结构设计模式, 允许你通过将对象放入特殊封装对象中来为原对象增加新的行为。

由于目标对象和装饰器遵循同一接口, 因此你可用装饰来对对象进行无限次的封装。 结果对象将获得所有封装器叠加而来的行为。


pizza.go: 零件接口

package main

type IPizza interface {
	getPrice() int

veggieMania.go: 具体零件

package main

type VeggieMania struct{}

func (p *VeggieMania) getPrice() int {
	return 15

tomatoTopping.go: 具体装饰

package main

type TomatoTopping struct {
	pizza IPizza

func (c *TomatoTopping) getPrice() int {
	pizzaPrice := c.pizza.getPrice()
	return pizzaPrice + 7

cheeseTopping.go: 具体装饰

package main

type CheeseTopping struct {
	pizza IPizza

func (c *CheeseTopping) getPrice() int {
	pizzaPrice := c.pizza.getPrice()
	return pizzaPrice + 10

main.go: 客户端代码

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	pizza := &VeggieMania{}
	pizzaWithCheese := &CheeseTopping{pizza: pizza}

	pizzaWithCheeseAndTomato := &TomatoTopping{
		pizza: pizzaWithCheese,
	fmt.Printf("Price of veggeMania with tomato and cheese topping is %d\n", pizzaWithCheeseAndTomato.getPrice())

output.txt: 执行结果

